Monday, March 13, 2006

Spam Freestyles

the weirdest shit is showing up in my spam mail these days. instead of american companies putting offers that make some sort ov laughable sense in the body ov my spam messages i'm instead getting these surrealist missives from zaire or hong kong or some such place where spam is an artform. i put a few together and have them below. feel free to send in your own bizzare spams to this very spot. yesiree.

i call this one: 200 MORE SOFTWARES FROM 15-70 ONLY friends.

yours anybody trying,
social promised leader? fascinate respect suddenly?
window wife social night profession. steps window motor back.
suddenly reply news. widow use servants arms later?
back somewhere thus happened speaking.

different next hard. fascinate my tech did fill similar. very end hard.
love force drew young, wrong across raise his edge.
studied across pretty carefully nothing? reading across use.
bad different respect fascinate.
him wanted out is yours? he corner arms wife suddenly. light light light why,

wanted immediate whom widow or whom.
carefully speaking filled across back. the mischievous respect corner. or sandwich benefit,
music black prison. mentioned happened fascinate?
turning letters fire? very similar goes back edge. thus how disappoint few promised.
find how wanted.