Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ant Finger Puppets? Eight Finger Puppets.

holy hell my head hurts.

why, do you ask? why? i'll tell you why. two simple words: manifest destiny. two more words: carte blanche. those are the names ov the drinks i decided it would be cute to create and then consume all evening. here's how you make them:

carte blanche: a glass ov champagne with a shot ov maker's in it. tasty, but it totally kills the bubbles.

manfest destiny: a glass ov champagne with a shot ov tequila in it. this one stays bubbly. the tequila and the champagne embrace like long lost friends and dance the night away like they haven't a care in the world. damn it's yummy.

i tell myself all the time: tequila is friends with no one. do i listen to me? no one listens to me. so now i 'm bedridden and have my sweet baboo bringing me tortas carnitas and blistered jalapenos while i watch the third season of aqua teen hunger force. don't drink, kiddies, or this could happen to you. my sweet baboo's so fucking cool.

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